SJ History

Scintilla Juris Fraternity

The SCINTILLA JURIS Fraternity was founded on October 14, 1966 by fourteen (14) courageous men, who were honor students at the University of the Philippines (U.P.) College of Law, Diliman, Quezon City. Literally, scintilla juris means "spark of right". The founders chose this Latin phrase as the name of the Fraternity because they wanted to become the spark that would change the fraternity system in U.P. The founders also agreed that the name of the Fraternity should be written in capital letters, signifying equality among all members of the Fraternity. Those were turbulent times in Philippine society, when the youth were rising up in protest against repressive structures of the state. Age-old dogmas, blindly followed for centuries were questioned for the first time. In keeping the spirit of the age, the founders of the Fraternity deliberately forged a path away from the rigid and ossified Greek lettered fraternities. Thus, the Fraternity’s Latin name evoked the glorious dawn of the Roman Empire rising triumphant from the twilight of the Greeks. As the only Latin-named fraternity from the University of the Philippines, it sparks changes and tried to eradicate some traditions that the other groups started.

The Fraternity, as a general rule has removed categorical seniority as part of the brotherhood. Scintillans acknowledge that as brothers they are governed by respect among equals and not by the virtue of precedence. Members of the Fraternity consider themselves as equals regardless of age or seniority. The Fraternity also recognizes the individual’s integrity and independence; as a result no body marks are placed in any member as they become part of the Fraternity. Adding to this was the removal of public humiliation to the aspirant as part of the application process. Brothers acknowledge one another by handshakes. Memberships are verified through reliable channels.

Ideals of the Fraternity

The founders of the Fraternity chose three guiding principles that would become the pillars of the Fraternity and its members. The adherence to the Rule of Law, Intellectual Integrity, and Academic Excellence became the ideals of the Fraternity. Far from confining these principles within the Fraternity, the members swore to propagate these ideals to every male individual in the University. This is the reason the Fraternity continues to recruit members into its ranks. Within the horizon of the Campus, the Fraternity has been a powerful force for social involvement and change. From its ranks have risen Student Regents, Editors-in-Chief of the Philippine Collegian and the Philippine Law Journal, Chairpersons and Councilors of the University Student Council, top-nothers of the Bar and Board Examinations, student leaders and honor students.

Propagation of the Ideals

From the time the Fraternity was established, recruitment was confined only to the male population of the U.P. College of Law. However, realizing that the ideals of the Fraternity were too valuable to be limited within such a few population, the members of Fraternity decided to take in brothers from various colleges in U.P. Starting from then College of Arts and Sciences, the Fraternity recruited members from various colleges like the Colleges of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Engineering, Science, Mass Communication, Arts and Letters, and Education. In the main campus in Diliman, U.P. saw a new breed of fraternity men dedicated to the three principles the Fraternity fought to uphold.

Chapters were also established in other U.P. Campuses, starting from the campus in Baguio (1974), and from there spreading to Iloilo (1976) and Los Baños (1988). Chapters are independent from each other but all maintain a strong affinity to the Fraternity. The motto of the Fraternity: "SCINTILLA JURIS, right or wrong! To keep right when right, to set right when wrong"

Living the Ideals

During the Martial Law era, several Scintillans were imprisoned by the government while fighting for the well-established freedom of education, speech, and the press, all of which were suppressed during this time. The Scintillans, armed with their ideals, fought side-by-side with other U.P. students and activists, who were defiant of the dictatorship. It was not uncommon to see Scintillans leading a mobilization against the repressive government during those times. Though democracy was restored, Scintillans continue to stay true to the very ideals it hoped to propagate. To help bring progressive change to society, cause-oriented activities, both inside and outside the campus, are conducted by the Fraternity, some of which are free legal consultations, medical missions, training and seminars, and other worthwhile activities that would bring spark to participants to take the path of what is right. Guided by its principles, the Fraternity endured despite hardships and challenges.

Recognized Chapters

As part of the pledge to propagate the ideals, the Fraternity decided to establish chapters from other universities. From its historic founding at the U.P. College of Law, the Fraternity branched out to other disciplines in various academic institutions. In time, the Scintillan flame spread to the other colleges and universities hence, the establishment of other ‘recognized’ chapters. However, seeking to maintain the quality of its members, the Fraternity chose to recruit only from the College of Medicine and College of Law of the other universities. The Colleges of Law Chapters– Western Mindanao State University, and Silliman University; The Colleges of Medicine Chapters - University of the East, University of Santo Tomas, FEU-NRMF School of Medicine, Western Visayas State University, AMEC-Bicol Christian College of Medicine, Lyceum Northwestern University, Virgen Milagrosa University, and Our Lady of Fatima University. Thus, the SCINTILLA JURIS Fraternity continues to mold thousands of young, idealistic students into professional lawyers, engineers, doctors, educators, academicians, businessmen, media men and of other professions that would continue to share and live the ideals of the Fraternity.