About the Chapter

The SCINTILLA JURIS FRATERNITY WVSU Chapter is one of the most respected, if not the most respected, organizations recognized by the West Visayas State University. It is one of the College of Medicine chapters of the SCINTILLA JURIS FRATERNITY.

The chapter was founded in December 10, 1978 by 14 charter members that were mostly pre-med and pre-law honor students. After joing the SCINTILLA JURIS FRATERNITY, most of the new became either officers of the student council or staff members of the university publication. Barely a year after it was founded, the chapter was able to recruit seven batches of fine young men. This was an achievement during that time because students shied away from joining organizations because they feared being ostracized by the Dictatorship.

After one year of propagating the the Rule of Law, Intellectual Integrity and Academic Excellence, the three primordial goals of the fraternity, the members decided that it was time to expand the membership to students taking courses other than pre-med and pre-law. The expansion helped usher in a 'Golden Era' for the fraternity, in terms of recruitment and achievemements, which lasted up until the late 80s.

The 90s posted a different challenge for the fraternity, recruitment declined and the students were not as enthusiastic in joining organizations as they were in the 80s. This was primarily because of the newly instituted ideas of freedom and liberty brought about by the fall of the Dictatorship. They simply didn't cared anymore. However, the SCINTILLANS did not falter. They viewed this as a challenge and they continued living up to the ideals of the fraternity and eventually they suceeded.

The new millenium up until today has posed and continues to pose new trials to the fraternity. Nevertheless, the SCINTILLA JURIS FRATERNITY WVSU Chapter continues to excel and triumph over these things.